7863 Broadway, Suite 135
Merrillville, IN 46410
Clear liquid diet (sports drinks, juices, jello is OK) for first 24-36 hours
Minimize carbonated drinks to reduce bloating and distention. Try juices first.
If you can not tolerate a clear liquid diet, you need intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.
Intravenous fluids may be given at home or in the hospital.
Take a Full liquid diet (if you tolerate clears well) for 1-2 meals
OK to have ice cream and soft drinks at this point.
Full liquid diet includes light soups (Chicken soup, noodle soup, rice soup).
Breads (without butter) may be tried next.
Heavier soups (with broth or cream) may be tried after light soups.
If you do not tolerate a full diet, go back to a clear diet for one day.
Take a solid diet if you tolerate a full liquid diet
If it flies or swims, eat it but don’t fry it. Animals that “fly” include Chicken and turkey. OK they don’t fly, but they used to. In any case, protein from birds or fish is high quality and has low fat. This makes it easier to digest.
Avoid fried food initially. You may have food that is baked, broiled, grilled, steamed, smoked or barbequed, but do not fry food yet.
If the above goes well, you may have any solid food, fried or otherwise.
Avoid eating nuts until cleared by physician.
If you do not tolerate a solid diet, go back to a full liquid diet.