7863 Broadway, Suite 135
Merrillville, IN 46410
With aging, there is loss of volume around the cheeks (case 6) which creates the long“Abraham Lincoln” look. The lower jaw may become atrophied with dentures and osteoporosis(case 5).
Cancer, chemotherapy, diabetes, chronic glucocordicoid steroids, anorexia and AIDS will causea wasting away appearance. Low testosterone in men and low estrogen in post-menopausalwomen contribute to volume loss.
At ShapeMed4U we like to take a comprehensive view of aging. This means optimizingnutrition, correcting hormone imbalances in men and women and surgically correcting volumeloss where appropriate.
Case 7: This lady here is a chemotherapy survivor who has osteoporosis. Chemotherapy has agedher skin and osteoporosis has reduced her facial bone volume. Also she has a weak chin(mandibular atrophy) because of dentures. She was medically optimized on vitamin D, calcium,Boniva and Prolia to improve bone mass. Next we performed liposuction with fat transfer andsculpting of the lower jaw which creates a fuller chin. The skin was damaged from solar keratosis and was resurfaced with fractional Irbium laser. She has thin skin ans is on a prescription estrogencream to keep her skin thicker.
The tummy tuck is traditionally viewed as a cosmetic surgery procedure by mostpatients, and even by most primary care physicians. Actually, tummy tucks were performed for medical reasons before they became popular in cosmetic surgery. Asmentioned in the tummy tuck section, abdominal weight causes back strain,diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and reduces survival.Tummy tucks remove theabdominal fat that exacerbates these conditions. In so doing, tummy tucks improveposture; reduce diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia; and improve workload of the heart. In this way, tummy tucks improve survival.
Case 8: This is an 82-year old African-American insulin dependent diabetic lady wasreferred by her primary care physician four years ago for a tummy tuck to improveher insulin management. She had a tummy tuck and fat transfer to her cheeks fouryears ago. Fat transfer to the cheeks was added to enhance a youthful appearance.She was placed on aggressive osteoporosis regimen and estrogen cream tomaintain bone density.
As a direct result of the tummy tuck, this patient has maintained her weight without weight loss medication and no longer requires medication for diabetes and hypertension. Her posture is better and she is much more active after tummy tuck than before. Tummy tucks improve quality of life and survival.
After surgery, this patient not only looks better, but is more physically fit. Currently she is on a daily walking protocol, which she is better able to maintain because the tummy tuck has made walking easier.