7863 Broadway, Suite 135
Merrillville, IN 46410
ShapeMed4U offers a variety of buttock augmentation options that are tailored to your specific needs. These options include buttock implants of various shapes and sizes, fat transfer to the buttock (Brazilian Butt Lift), liposculpting, conventional buttock lift, or a combination of these techniques.
Generally, for those few patients who have no fat around the waist or love handles,buttock augmentation with implants is the best option-especially if there is noexcessive sagging of the skin around the buttock.
For most patients, enough fat can be harvested from around the waist, midsection,thighs, lower back and love handles to allow for Brazilian fat transfer to the buttocks. Usually 350 cc to 500 cc needs to be harvested for each buttock (700cc-1,000 cc total). The Brazilian fat transfer technique allows for both liposuction of unwanted fat and buttock augmentation. Liposuction beyond 1,000 cc is no longer consideredharvesting for Brazilian fat transfer, but liposuction to that area.
For a few patients, excess skin and flabbiness around the lower waist and buttock area make it necessary to excise the saggy skin via a conventional buttock lift procedure. While both the Brazilian fat transfer and buttock implants can correct mild buttock sagginess, they are not enough to correct significant sagginess.
Often times, patients who have both excess saggy skin around the buttock/waistareas will also have volume loss. These patients will need a combination approachwhich includes removal of excess skin (via conventional buttock lift) with some type of procedure to add volume to the buttock. Volume to the buttock may be added via:
1. Buttock implants.
2. Brazilain fattransfer
3. Adjacent flap transfer. This technique is rather unique toShapeMed4U.com and involves creating a buttock mound of muscle andfat from the patient’s own tissues. This is then transferred to the buttock forfullness. The result is buttock augmentation without artificial implants. As aresult, the patient does not sit on an artificial implant-just natural tissues.